Persecutions, afflictions, which came unto me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra; what persecutions I endured: but out of them all the Lord delivered me. Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.
Whenever you take steps of obedience toward the plan and purposes God has for your life it won’t be long before persecution arises for the Word sake. Gods will for every born-again believer is that we grow and mature in His ways and accomplish His plan for our lives. However, God knows that when we pursue with the intent to do and follow through with His every instruction, mental, physical and spiritual assaults will come against His people. But, fear not, for Jesus foretold us that in this world we would have tribulation but be of good cheer He has already over come it and deprived it of power to harm us. God knew the things we would have to face in this earth so He saw to it that we would have everything we needed to win. God did not leave us without help as a matter of fact He did not leave us at all, He is with us in the person of the Holy Spirit who is the one that will abide with us forever.
Progress is good but not without challenges. The enemy will always challenge the believer’s authority to see if you will back down or not. He challenged Jesus' authority in the wilderness during His earthly temptation. He also challenged Jesus during different seasons of His life and ministry, as recorded in the scriptures.
The word precipitate means to make something happen suddenly and quickly. This is our enemies strategy to try to catch us off guard and over take us with the element of surprise. However, he is defeated and we are not ignorant of his devices. We have an advantage over every trap and scheme of the enemy. We are not unarmed but rather fully equipped with the whole armor of God. We can withstand him, not in our own strength and ability but by our Heavenly Father's grace, which is sufficient for us to win every battle and walk away from every fight victoriously triumphant.
Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Don’t be weary in well doing but make progress going full steam ahead. These test and trials are light afflictions and are not worthy of your focus and/or meditation. Rise up and shake the dust from this world off you and be the victorious king and/or priest God has called you to be. Take your place, run your race with all diligence and honor. Every step you take forward in the plan of God is a demonstration of resurrection power and life that glorifies God.
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