

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Wives Prayer and Confession for their Husbands

Our websites have visits daily from all over the world. The most viewed page on our Detoxify the Soul website is Wives Prayer and Confession for Husbands. I am so delighted in this because I believe this shows that across the globe woman from various cultures, nationalities and backgrounds have a common desire; this being, to have a successful marriage and a spouse that is following the will of God for his life. It is so vital that husbands and wives pray consistently for one another. It's not enough to be in love but to also express love one for another. Love is expressed or demonstrated through actions. Jesus gave us the greatest example of how to express unconditional love in relationships. One of those examples in scripture was when Jesus told Peter that Satan desired to have him and sift him as wheat (meaning Satan wanted to abort and sabotage the plans and purposes that God had for Peter). However,  Jesus then told Peter, "But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not..." (Luke 22:31-32).
One of the highest expressions of the God kind of love is the commitment to faithfully pray for others. Our prayers and petitions for others allows God to fulfill His good will in their lives. The scriptures remind us that Jesus consistently prays for us. "Whereby he is able also to save for ever them that come to God by him; always living to make intercession for us." Hebrews 7:25 (DRA)
God loves your spouse and has a plan for his life. Your prays from him are vital to the fulfillment of that plan. Thank you for your demonstration of love toward your spouse in praying for him daily.
Heavenly, Father I thank you for your love and faithfulness. Thank you for loving me unconditionally and through that love enabling me to love others. Thank you for giving me the assignment and the privilege of being a godly wife and a daily expression of your love to my husband ________________, (speak your spouse’s name). 

According to your Word (the Bible), your love has been poured out in my heart (spirit) so that I can love you and others the same way You love me. I choose to open my mouth and speak out the words of love from my heart concerning my husband today and everyday. Father I ask you for wisdom and understanding so that I can be the best godly wife that I can be. 

Through godly wisdom I will know what to do and what to say in every situation of life, thereby helping my husband to be victorious in every way. I will be of assistance, rally around, aid, lend a hand, help out, and facilitate my husband, ______________ (his name).

 Father you said it is not good for man to be alone, therefore I receive your grace to walk by my husband’s side all the days of his life to be a blessing to him in all things. 

As ________________ (spouse’s name) wife, I chose to HEAP, blessings upon him. I choose to H- honor him, E-esteem him above all others including myself, A- appreciate him and P- prize him.

I chose this day and everyday to say what God says about my husband and to see him as God sees him. 

 ______________ (spouse’s name) is a man after God’s own heart. He is the apple of God’s eye. _______________ (spouse’s name) is strong in the Lord and in the power of God’s might. He is of God and has overcome the evil one because greater is Christ in ________________ (spouse’s name), than his enemies in the world. 
** Please visit our website for the complete Wives Prayer and Confession for their Husbands. Go to www.detoxifyingthesoul.com click on the prayer and confession tab, then select from the list of prayers and confessions (Wives prayer and confession for Husbands).

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